Skolarbetet var representera ett land, Kina i detta fall, och simulera ett klimatmöte.
Skrivet av: Emma Wikström
Speech China
Honorable Chair, esteemed delegates, It’s a great pleasure to attend this climate summit.
Climate change is one of the world’s most serious issues (pause) and it threatens the development and the survival of the human race. It is a global issue and it requires international collaboration. The allocation of responsibility needs to be equitable and in accordance with the principles of shared but differentiated responsibilities.
It is of utmost importance and crucial to act on climate change for the world as well as China’s development and security. China is a developing country with a population of more than 1.3 billion and are therefore one of the countries most affected by climate change. (pause) As we speak China is in the midst of the process of rapid industrialization and urbanization (pause) and is confronted by a myriad of challenges including poverty eradication and improvement of living standards. Many developing countries are in the same position and therefore developed countries need to intensify their emission reduction and provide financial support and technology transfer to less developed countries. (pause)
China is ready to cooperate, to take on the international responsibility at a level commensurate with our national capacity and to build a better future for mankind.
Thank you, I yield the floor back to the chair.